Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Art in our Brain ---- Laurie Frick

Art and science: two seemly unrelated subjects. I don't see a lot of artists using such a straightforward scientific method to present their art; or should I say using artistic means to show scientific studies. Especially when they are emotionally involved. This is why Laurie's work is very interesting to me.

'Everything you forgot yesterday', like all her other similar works, this piece imitates a neuroscience chart of a human brain activity. It is highly abstract, although it contains both emotions and probably scientific data of real life activities.
'January', It would be more exciting if I could read this kind of scientific chart. Then I would understand more of what's in this person's brain concerning January.
'Man Men', The artist has a very good sense of color matching, also a good sense of the use of colors to present different emotions.
'White white white', I appreciate how the artist mostly used found postcards to make these art pieces. Recycled found objects can make beautiful things, why must we spend so much money and new resources to make a not so practical art piece? Actually, art can be totally 'practical' if every artist starts to use found or recycled materials to make marvelous things just like Laurie does.

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