Monday, October 24, 2011

Construction or destruction ---- Lebbeus Woods

Reconstruction design of Electroprivreda building by Lebbeus Woods in 1994

"Architecture is war. War is architecture." Says the artist. It is strange that being an architect, Lebbeus Woods puts such a strong emotion, almost like anger into his artist theory. Yet it is this 'anger' that gives his work an unique sharp power, and leaves the viewers a vibrant impression.
I don't know why the artist decided to become a paper architect. I would say probably because most of his ideas are not realistic, they do not fit the real world, especially the rational architecture world. They are usually very industrial looking with a post-modern design, which gives the architecture a si-fi look with a living soul. When I look at the picture, it's like the building can be activated anytime and start walking.
The artist also loves to use sharp angular lines, forming all sorts of mostly triangular shapes, going into different directions. The movement of these industrial giants is what makes his work powerful.
Most of his work are reconstruction on ruins. The combination of the decay and the new. A strong soul is reborn from his devastated shell, living the tragic scene under his feet or burdened/attached to his new body. The sharp contrast of the artist's work is what makes it stand out.

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